Balloon artist offers a new twist on birthday parties!

This year my daughter turned 5 and for her birthday she requested a pirate, bounce birthday. So we had a pirate themed birthday party at pump it up and as a special surprise for our party guests, we had a local balloon artist make balloon pirate hats, balloon swords and a giant balloon pirate! The balloons were the hit of the party and everyone loved them. The balloon artist is Patricia Balloona and her balloon sculptures will knock your socks off, these are not your typical dog balloons or simple giraffe  balloons (though she can do those as well) these are amazingly intricate balloon sculptures!! As a special treat for our readers Patricia Balloona  has teamed up with us to do our very first give away!!! We are giving away this amazing balloon flower sculpture balloon flower to one lucky reader!!

Patricia Balloona how did you get started in ballooning?
Well, my little girl was watching this program called Color Inspirations and there was a
segment where a man was making a big balloon lion and it was just glorious. I had never before seen anything so intricate made out of balloons. I decided I needed to try it out. I needed to go to there.

But how do you go from seeing something like that to creating it? What’s the process?
Well, there is an app for everything these days and I downloaded a balloon twisting app on my iPod and made the dog. The app I used had just the most basic things.
I got some balloon twisting balloons from hobby lobby and gave it a shot.

So what did you start out with? Did you make the Lion straight off or start with something simpler?
I made the basic dog.That was my very first balloon sculpture. It felt very natural to me and I was in love and hooked.The clouds parted, a beam of light shone down and an angel chorus sang.

So how long have you been a balloon sculptor?
May 27th I celebrate my 8th month balloon twisting anniversary!

As a balloon sculptor did you start out thinking this could be a business opportunity?
No, I never had any intention of selling them or starting a business. I am what is known as an accidental entrepreneur. Friends lovingly pushed me into it.

So now that you have been doing it for a few months do you still love it?
Oh my goodness yes. That is how I know this is really my passion. I am the type that moves onto
something else once I start mastering or excelling at something, but with this, I truly found my calling.

So Patricia, do you twist at birthday parties?
Oh yes. Birthday parties, church events, libraries, any event is better with balloons!

You currently do a gig at Earthfare, can you tell us about that?
Yes, once a quarter they have me come in and make balloons for kids on a Thursday, kids eat free night. I am also known for popping in and bringing something cool for display every now and then there.

Great! Is there anywhere else that we can view your work?
Yes I have both a Facebook page and a blog. I pretty much make something new almost every day and post pictures. There is more proof I am in love with this art, I even made a blog and Facebook page for it. It is a lot of work to keep up with, that’s how you know I am all in.

You are a stay at home mom as well? How do you juggle your ballooning with taking care of your family?
Yes, I am a domestic engineer aka homemaker. It works out nicely in that I can work weekends and take care of my daughter full time during the week. My husband takes over on weekends.

What balloon artist do you learn from? Do you have some that you have worked with?
I haven’t personally worked with anyone but I have watched many balloon artists. I have several balloon heroes. Nifty Balloons, Andre Nolle, Addi Somekh and Felix Yoldi are my favorites.

Well it has been really nice speaking with you, is there anything else that you would like to say before I let you go?
Well, I would just like to say that I love making joy out of thin air and that Henri Matisse was right when he said that, ” Much of the beauty that arises in art comes from the struggle an artist wages with his limited medium.”


Thankyou so much to Patricia Balloona for taking the time to speak with us and for offering this amazing balloon creation to one of our readers! Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win!

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Visit her Blog or Facebook page to book an event or learn more about the art of balloon sculpting.



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